Heading : Tunbridge Ware – Glovebox with Rounded. flat-ended lid and Berlin Wool-work Mosaics
Date : c1840
Period : Victorian
Origin : Tunbridge Wells. England
Decoration : The rounded and flat-ended lid has a large panel of a floral Berlin Wool-work set within golden satinwood and a pair of continuous and banded keylines; the same two keys frame the outside of an eleven-square geometric pattern band; the four square sides of the box have a none-square geometric pattern band within two pairs of the same keylines; the tesserae used to construct all the elements being very slightly larger than usual; the undecorated sections of both lid and body are veneered with walnut; lined internally with green baize – probably not original. though a little worn.
Size : 24.1 cm wide – 9.0 cm deep – 6.6 cm high
Condition : Excellent; just one or two lost tiles. although a short (seven square) piece of one banded border has been replaced; one or two very minor bumps; a very nice – if rather plain – example.
Restoration : Professionally cleaned and polished
Weight : 357g
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