Tunbridge Ware Jewellery Trinket Boxes

Tunbridge Ware Jewellery Boxes, Trinket Boxes and Glove Boxes.

Tunbridge ware jewellery and trinket boxes proved to be essential for any respected lady of the Victorian house and one trained in domestic skills including storage organisation.

The size of the jewellery collection dictated the size of the requisite jewellery box and the makers of Tunbridge ware provided ladies with a large selection of elaborately decorated boxes secured under lock and key to suit many pockets. Most were lavishly fitted with deep buttoned or pleated silk/velvet interiors fashioned to receive trays and compartments for necklaces, rings and watches as well as the option of a secret drawer.

Glove boxes of various rectangular forms with domed lids were most popular the length of the gloves dictating the desired size. Smaller rectangular boxes fitted with perfume/cologne bottles were produced to be displayed on a dressing table.

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