RARE Henry IV Halfpenny London, Type 3, 1399-1413


Product Code:RNC314

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1 in stock


Denomination: Silver halfpenny, heavy coinage

Period: Lancastrians

Date: 1399-1413

Origin: London

Condition: Fine+. obverse slightly double struck. rare

Obverse: Crowned facing bust with wide face and round shoulders, splayed crown, legend around +hENRICVS REX AnGL,  initial cross pattee mint mark on obverse only

Reverse: Long cross with three pellets in each quarter, CIVI TAS LOn DOn (the old ticket that comes with this piece describes the legend as LORDOR but this is uncertain and just mistaken use of the lower case n)

Size and Weight: 13mm, 0.47g

References: Withers Type 3/3a, p20, S1723-4, N1352-3

Features and Provenance:  J. Atkinson collection

Henry IV, otherwise known as Henry Bolingbroke (he was born in Bolingbroke Castle), was the son of John of Gaunt, himself the son of Edward III; Henry also had links to the throne of France. In 1399 he became the first king to have English as his mother tongue since the Norman invasion, some three hundred years earlier. He immediately had to deal with a number of uprisings led by the Welsh leader Owain Glyndwr. Later in his short reign, his son took much of the responsibility of power due to his ill health and he died in 1413 at the age of only 45 possibly due to leprosy.

Condition Summary. This varies with the age of coin and there are grades between

Uncirculated (U). As struck with no traces of wear

Extremely Fine (EF). Very slight traces of wear. all parts of legend etc present. visible and clear

Very Fine (VF). Some signs of wear on the higher parts of the relief. all parts of legend etc present. but maybe worn

Fine (F). Wear on the coin and parts of legend etc may be missing or not visible


Additional information

Weight50 g


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