A superb and very rare Georgian Champagne Flute glass which dates to 1750.
Sebastien Zoude ( 1707-1779) was the man who brought lead crystal to Wallonia Belgium. He was the most prominent glasmaker of his day in Namur. At a time when the “secret” for “glass of lead” was closely guarded by the English he did through his own hardwork . research and industrial espionage achieve his own first “crystal” by 1753 refined further by 1761. These glasses pre-date that and were made c1750. The irony is that Zoude died from lead poisoning.
Height 6 3/4 inches with 2 inch bowl and 2 7/8 inch foot . Folded foot. snapped pontil . lead glass. The stem resembles an incised twist and the incisions if you prefer continue onto the bowl. We would say that this is fine rib moulding.
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